First, we have to clear up one thing. A salt pool is a chlorine pool. Why? A salt water chlorine generator’s (SWCG) job is to convert salt (sodium chloride) into chlorine (sodium hypochloride) through an electrolysis process. Pretty simple, right? However, the type of...
Ever wonder why there is a gauge on your pool filter? Your pool filter has a pressure gauge on the top of the upper tank that marks the filter pressure in Pounds per Square Inch (PSI). When your pool filter is new or freshly cleaned, the PSI will register the filter...
Did you know that a backyard swimming pool actually uses less water than a lawn with the same square footage? That’s right, assuming that your pool does not have a leak. Once a pool is filled, the evaporation rate can be as high as 1/4 inch per day and little to no...
First of all, you should have a written contract or service agreement that outlines in detail what services are to be performed for an agreed upon price. Then use that as the measurement to first see if you are getting what you are paying for. Oh yeah, your pool...
If you are a professional guitar player, playing guitar is easy. For me, I like to play guitar but I am in no way a professional guitar player. Hey, I still don’t know how to tune my guitar. Thank goodness for guitar tuners. I still like to play the few cords that I...