Is pool maintenance a membership contract or a per-cleaning cost?

Swimming pool maintenance worker with chemical cleaning products and tools with blue background.

Written by Javier Payan

Not all pool companies have the same policies and offerings, but there are many common practices.

Speaking only for Payan Pool Service, Inc., we have a detailed service agreement contract that outlines what our responsibilities are and what the client’s responsibilities are so there is no confusion.

We come up with a service rate that takes into account many factors and we figure our costs into the equation. Once that is set, it becomes a recurring monthly charge. Other items such as filter cleanings, equipment maintenance, or repairs are charged separately. Our service contacts can be terminated with a 30-day written notice from either party.

We don’t typically do a per-cleaning charge or one-time deals. Usually, there is more under the surface with these types of arrangements. We do, however, offer consultation services that can result in a one-time deal. This is the fairest way to go so that everybody gets a fair deal.

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